V94.3A Webinar in October 2021

Highlights of GTUsers V94.3A (AE94.3A and SGT5-4000F) Webinar

Due to Covid restrictions, famous in-person End User Conferences are resceduled to 2022 and instead of in-person meetings in 2021, GTUsers organised end user Webinars.

V94.3A (SGT5-4000F) Webinar were held in October 2021. Participation to the events exceeded expectations. Planning of the events were started well in advanve by Group Steering committees and GTUsers standardized platform was used for all events making it very straightforward for end users to join in the webinars.

More information of the held Webinars and coming meetings can be found at: GTUsers.com

The first Session was dedicated to end users only. The end user Webinar consisted of number of case studies on noteworthy events and lessons learned. Also, Users Q&A session was added in the end of the User Webinar where Users questions listed as part of the pre-conference questionnaire was discussed in detail.

Users Session

Chairman of the V94.3A Users Group Mr Arturo Patino: It is already a few days since our 2021 webinar took place. First, I would like to thank the time, efforts, support and resources from the presenters, Steering Committee and our group administrator to provide the content and all the arrangements required for our meeting. Also, a special recognition to our sponsors Dekomte, Arnold, Ansaldo, Faist, Siemens and Liburdi..


The first Session was dedicated to end users only. The end user Webinar consisted of number of case studies on noteworthy events and lessons learned. Also, Users Q&A session was added in the end of the User Webinar where Users questions listed as part of the pre-conference questionnaire was discussed in detail.

Key lessons learner:

  • LTE of a SGT5-4000F gas turbine at 100kEOH and 200kEOH intervals
    • Selection of the right scope
    • In house expertise and using dedicated experts safes a lot of money
    • Challange OEMs and 3rd parties
    • Capabilities decreasing in the total market
  • 33MAC MXL2 upgrade experience
    • Increased Power output
    • Improved CCGT Heat Rate
    • High slope ramp rates for SFR
    • Extended maintenance intervals
  • Automatic reactive power control, Vattenfall Frederik Aalbersberg
    • Several options for reactive power control were discussed
    • dead band. correction schedule, time or value based?
    • difference inductive/capacitive?
  • Control system upgrade experiences

If you own and operate a V94.3A gas turbine and are not part of GTUsers V94.3A Users Group, please visit now GTUsers.com and register.

Ansaldo Energia and Siemens Energy

Ansaldo Energia and Siemens Energy Sessions were divided in 2 different days, each day consisting of 3h Webinars with Q&A sessions.
Both manufacturers had prepared very comprehensive and technical lectures to cover questions raised by the end users. Latest technical developments and status of the fleet and latest TILs were reviewed. In 3h time, a lot of information was delivered together with extensive discussion through the chat and verbally.

Webinars included the following main topic areas:

  • Replies to Q&A Customers
  • Digital Future and managing inspections partly remotely
  • Flex operation and future of gas turbine applications. Gas turbines will play a major role in changing energy market. Flexible gas turbines are a sound solution during the transition period from fossile fuels to renewables. 
  • Status of hydrogen combustion. How much hydrogen can be burned today without major changes to current combustion hardware. What needs to be changed if hydrogen content is high.
  • Maintenance aspect and longer maintenance intervals. How flexible operation (different fuels and fast startups) affect maintenance intervals.
  • Auxiliary systems update and generator update
  • Mods & Ups Performance

And of course most importantly; detailed replies to end user questions during the Q&A session. Again GTUsers with the SteerCo collected end user questions in advance and all questions were replied in detail by Ansaldo Energia and Siemens Energy together with lively discussion.



3rd Party Service Providers

Arnold Group, The most advanced Turbine Insulation combined with high performance heating System.

Pierre Ansmann from Arnold Group made a presentation of their succesfull Steam turbine heating systems that reduces the startup time even 75%.
It is based on accurate 3-dimensional shaped insulation blankets for perfect fitting to turbine surface.


  • Increased IMA (In Market Availability)
  • Decreased Startup costs
  • Reduced thermal fatigue and longer component MTTR (mean time to repair)
  • Operational flexibility
  • Increased monitoring and diagnostics for CBM (Condition based maintenance) programs

Arnold full services for gas turbines include:

  • Flexible Gas Turbine Insulation Systems
  • Flexible Steam Turbine Insulation Systems
  • Mobile On-Site Machining Services
  • Supply of temporary workers for Mechanical Field Service 
  • Steam turbine heating system for fast startups

Dekomte, Exhaust Expansion Joints for High Cycling

DEKOMTE manufactures fabric and metallic expansion joints and bellows, designed and constructed to compensate for changes in length due to shifting temperatures in duct work. Axial, lateral and angular movements are compensated for.

DEKOMTE expansion joints are available in any geometric shape (round, square, oval, multi-sided) and in any size.

Dekomte explained technologies, selection and criterias for proper expansion joint selection and maintenance:

  • Inspection, Criteria and Technical Parameters
  • Evaluation of fixing system and gas tightness
  • Review of adjacent elements for corrosion, cracking or distortion
  • Internal review of expansion joint, including the flow plate and lining systems
  • Case studies:
    • GT Exhaust / HRSG Inlet. Hot casing cracks and distortion correction with better insulation
    • V94.3A 1st fabric at GT Exhaust. DEKOMTE changed the fabric as a routine maintenance task. No repair or modification to the frames were required
    • HRSG Outlet Joint Solutions, used materials and design diffefences.

FAIST Filtration, a full-service provider of Gas Turbine Air Filtration and Acoustic equipment

In recent years some GT OEMs have renewed their focus on GT Air Filtration, which has pushed R&D to develop new solutions and technologies.

To this date Faist continue to test new filter shapes, designs, media and pulse systems on a quarterly basis. Many of their designs and solutions represent the new standard for some large GTs.

Faist concentrated on their presentation on water/dust passing through filters, which in many times is evaluated as dry dust is used for testing. Faist has perfomed extensive testing and development of their filters to avoid dust carryover with fine water through the filters.

Premium specifications/features

  1. Welded rigid media
  2. Bottom of pockets are lined with plastic to drain water upstream
  3. Extreme water-repellent media
  4. Very long life due to high dust capacity (large pockets)

Liburdi, Industry Leader in development of advanced component repairs

Liburdi Turbine Services has core competency in hot section repair, superalloy processing and gas turbine engineering.

  1. Listen ” to what the engine and the parts are
  2. Do not just repair, but Rejuvenate
  3. Upgrade  components in anticipation of service

Presentation covered case studies with the following highlights:

  • Service Condition assessment, life & failure analysis, service shortfall.
  • Material replacement technologies: advanced welding and brazing, Latest usage of LPM technology
  • Advanced coatings technologies, application and removal