Do you agree that F-technology parts require careful vendor verification and quality control due to their complex design. New parts look visually shiny and beautifull. However, do you know the material condition and what has been done to the parts during manufacturing. Is the material structure and properties exceeding specifications?. GASRE performed quality control for E.ON new parts covering manufacturing steps, material specifications and material features.
This work was an extension of earlier performed Vendor Pre-Qualification for F-technology gas turbine new parts for an end user where Gasre reviewed vendor parts engineering, design, casting, machining, availability etc.. GASRE evaluation criteria was used to select of the right Vendor. Today F-technology new parts require careful quality control due to their complex design.
You can reach cost savings when procurement of new parts and repairs and their quality assurance is properly performed. TMMonitor software with full picture of turbine parts plays a major role when defining part history and technical/economical repairability.
"GASRE performed vendor pre-qualification and quality control
of new parts and hot section repairs for an F technology gas
turbine. By using GASRE services, we reached cost savings and
received quality of repairs meeting our requirements.”
E.ON Energy projects