This year's last GTUsers' and Gasre's gas turbine end user conference was held in Vienna in November. From Nov 21st to Nov 23rd SGT5-2000E (V94.2) engine operators and managers came together with each other, with vendors and with OEMs to share experiences and insight while getting the latest in turbine upgrades, technical solutions, and in this particular end user meet, operational technology cyber security.
Here is an overview of the event.
Chairman Daniel Pateneau from First National Operation & Maintenance Co. Ltc, NOMAC, opened the conference.
Plant manager Jyrki Hanioja from Helen showed how the gas turbine turndown ratio could be improving.
End user specific questions were address for instance during the end user break out session, where Alexey Marchenko from Fortum among others were challenging operators and maintenance managers.
3rd party vendor fair enabled end users to have discussions with service providers. Bohemian Market CZ supplied support for control systems.
Bohemian Market CZ was also in the forefront, when the company's CEO Petr Roupec was presenting the importance of properly assessing cyber security measures in operationa technology. Roupec's presentation will be published here on this website as a white paper in December, so stay tuned!
The SGT5-2000E (V94.2) end user meeting in Vienna included a long Q&A session. The many relevant issues and topics that were discussed included
- operational and maintenance related questions and problems
- technical solutions to these problems that were found in collaboration with some of the conference's sponsors
- the latest upgrades, such as performance upgrades, longer maintenance intervals, reliability improvements
- new features for flexibility and faster ramp rates to accommodate new grid regulations and frequency control
- maintenance and management digitization in which TMMonitorTM parts tracking software can be a great help
Events like these would not be possible - or at least affordable to end users - without sponsors. Siemens and Ansaldo Energia were among them for this gas turbine end user conference. In fact, there was a whole Ansaldo Day, which was opened by Guido Gentile. Ansaldo Energia also organized the evening program of the Ansaldo Day.
The next big thing in end user conferences will be the GT26 user conference in February 2018. For more information on upcoming events and registration, please visit